This page contains publications on connectionism
that do not address the relationship to analogy, case-based reasoning, metaphor or mental states.
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Barnden, J.A. (1998).
(Back) towards diagrammatic representation and reasoning
in a connectionist framework.
Invited talk at Procs. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
(ICANN-98), Skovde, Sweden, September 1998.
Barnden, J.A. & Srinivas, K. (1996).
Quantification without variables in connectionism.
Minds and Machines, 6(2), pp.173-201.
Barnden, J.A. (1995).
High-level reasoning, computational challenges for connectionism, and the Conposit solution.
Applied Intelligence, 5(2), pp.103-135.
Barnden, J.A. (1995).
Artificial intelligence and neural networks.
In M.A. Arbib (Ed.),
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, pp.98-102.
Cambridge, Mass.: Bradford Books/MIT Press.
Barnden, J.A. (1995).
Semantic networks.
In M.A. Arbib (Ed.),
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, pp.854-857.
Cambridge, Mass.: Bradford Books/MIT Press.
(This paper is on the relationship between neural networks and semantic networks.)
Barnden, J.A. (1994).
Complex symbol-processing in Conposit, a transiently localist connectionist architecture.
In R. Sun & L. Bookman (Eds),
Computational Architectures for Integrating
Neural and Symbolic Processes, pp.21-68.
Barnden, J.A. (1993).
Time phases, pointers, rules and embedding.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16 (3), pp.451--452.
the paper
Invited Commentary (on Shastri and Ajjanagadde's ``From Simple Associations to Systematic Reasoning'').
Barnden, J.A. & Srinivas, K. (1993).
Temporal winner-take-all networks: a time-based mechanism for fast selection in neural networks.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 4(5), pp.844-853.
Barnden, J.A. (1992).
Connectionism, structure-sensitivity, and systematicity: refining the task requirements.
Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science, No. MCCS-92-227,
Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003.
Barnden, J.A. & Srinivas, K. (1991).
Encoding techniques for complex information structures in connectionist systems.
Connection Science, 3(3), pp.263-309.
Barnden, J.A. & Pollack, J.B. (Eds). (1991).
Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory,
Vol. 1: High Level Connectionist Models.
Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corp.
Barnden, J.A. (1989).
Neural-net implementation of complex symbol-processing in a mental model approach to syllogistic reasoning.
In Procs. 11th Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
pp.568-573. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Barnden, J.A. (1987).
The centrality of instantaneous.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10 (3), pp.437–438.
the paper
Invited Commentary (on Michael Arbib's "Levels of modeling of mechanisms of visually guided behavior").
Barnden, J.A. (1987).
Chaos, symbols, and connectionism.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10 (2), pp.174-175.
the paper
Invited Commentary (on Skarda and Freeman's "How brains make chaos in order to make sense of the world").
Barnden, J.A. (1986).
Connectionist value units: some concerns.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9 (1), pp.92-93.
the paper
Invited Commentary (on Dana Ballard's “Cortical connections and parallel processing: Structure and function”).
Barnden, J.A. (1985).
Diagrammatic short-term information processsing by neural mechanisms.
Cognition and Brain Theory, 7(3&4), pp.285-328.
Barnden, J.A. (1984).
On short-term information processing in connectionist theories.
Cognition and Brain Theory, 7(1), pp. 25-59.
Last mod 5 Oct 2023