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Table of Contents
For each line in the table,
- click on the TEXT to go to a DESCRIPTION of the metaphor(s)/metonymies
- click on the symbol to go to the
relevant EXAMPLES page
You may wish to consult the following:
Ideas as
External Entities
Ideas as
External Utterances
Ideas as
Internal Utterances
Ideas as
Persons or other Animate Beings
as Physical Objects
as Physical Spaces
Ideas as
as Sharable Commodities
Mind as
World-Definer (Ideas as Models)
as Animate Being or Living Body
Mind Parts as
Persons or other Animate Beings
Mind as
Physical Object -- Miscellaneous
Mind as
Physical Space
as Physical Space (this category has been abandoned)
as Interacting with Non-Own-Mental Entities
Cognizing as
Physical Sensing (with some exceptions)
Cognizing as Seeing
Miscellaneous Mental Metaphors
Undetermined Mental Metaphors
NON-Mental Metaphors
Metonymy (with comments on
metaphor as well)
Questions? Email jabarnden@btinternet.com
Many of the metaphor descriptions accessible through the above table are based on the following article.
Somewhat fuller discussion of some of the metaphors appears there.
Barnden, J.A. (1997):
``Consciousness and common-sense metaphors of mind.''
In S. O'Nuallain, P. McKevitt \& E. Mac Aogain (Eds),
Two Sciences of Mind:
Readings in Cognitive Science And Consciousness, pp.311-340.
John Benjamin.
Last mod: 15 Nov 2024