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COPYRIGHT: John Barnden, 2018. This page of the databank may be freely copied for non-commercial research/instructional use provided this copyright notice is included.


Entering the bedroom, (* SHE HAD PLUNGED INTO AN UNCOMFORTABLE, DREAM-LIKE CONDITION THAT ENCUMBERED HER LIKE AN OLD-FASHIONED DIVING SUIT IN DEEP WATER.*) Her thoughts did not seem her own -- (* they were piped down to her, thoughts instead of oxygen.*)
[[Text: source, p.79]]
{NB Example included here in that the dream-like state can be counted as a sort of thnking, and the diving suit provides a physical space. But example also inlcuded in IDEAS AS EXTERNAL ENTITIES - not sure which type of metaphor is more appropriate here or whether both are.}
{NB also: extension of the diving-suit idea, by viewing thoughts as piped down.}

... (* he paced restlessly about INSIDE HIS DESIRE, LIKE A PRISONER IN HIS DUNGEON.*) (* A perpetual anguish stifled him.*)
[[Text: source p.77]]

Initiated 26 Nov 2007.
Last mod: 20 August 2018