"The Undesired", by Yrsa Sigurdardottir ======================================= London: Hoddder & Stoughton, paperback 2016. [translated from Icelandic] {Einar is a late-teenage boy at a youth care home; Aldis is a yoing woman working at the home. "Aldis": there should be an acute accent on the i.} p.37: ... instead of being afraid of Einar, she became intrigued. A sneaking, malicious voice in her subconscious whispered that her interest was simply due to his appearance, but Aldis immediately rejected the idea, annoyed by the notion that she should be attracted to someone so much younger. p.148 [NP] She spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth. She wished she could do the same to her brain, rinse out the churning thoughts that had kept her awake. They had revolved around what upset her most -- her relationship with her mother, and also the mystery surrounding Einar. As she tossed and turned in the darkness her problems appeared ever more insurmountable. ... She'd tried her best to come up with different ways of sorting out her life, but to no avail. Each time, her fatalistic side told her she had no control over her future.