Tessa Hadley: "Bad Dreams and Other Stories" [collection of short stories] ========================================================================== London: Jonathan Cape, 2017. p.11 [in the story "An Abduction"]: [NP] Jane sought in the recesses of her consciousness the remorse that she knew ought to be lying in wait -- that poor honest shopkeeper, struggling to make a living! But it was as if all recesses had flattened out for the moment, into a balmy infinite present amid the sunshine and the gusts and swirls of wind as the MGC [sports car] swerved around bends. Her consciousness was filled to the brim with her contact -- astonishing because she was so virgin in contacts -- with the boys' warm bodies, lapping against her; ... p.100 [in the story "Experience"]: [NP] When I was ready, I poured myself a glass of white wine from a bottle I'd put in the fridge. I had been careful with alcohol while I was living in Hana's house: I was afarid of getting drunk by myself every night. But this evening the first sips were delicious -- a high green note like a bell at the front of my mind. p.116 [in the story "Bad Dreams"]: [NP] The child new that the epilogue [in a story book] existed only in her dream, but she couldn't dispel the taint of it, clinging to her thoughts.