Haruki Murakami: "Colorless Tsukuru-Tazaki" =========================================== London: Harvill Secker, 2014 (hardback) p.27: [NP] That night, after he still hadn't heard from his friends, Tsukuru had trouble sleeping. He felt agitated. Random, senseless thoughts flitted around in his head. But all these thoughts were just variations on one theme. Like a man who has lost his sense of direction, Tsukuru's thoughts endlessly circled the same place. By the time he became aware of what his mind was doing, he found himself back where he'd started. Finally, his thinking process got stuck, as if the folds of his brain were a broken screw. [NP] p.45: [NP] `Ideas are like beards. Men don't have them until they grow up. Somebody said that, but I can't remember who.' [NP] `Voltaire,' the younger man said. p.97: [NP] It was just before 8 a.m. when he woke up. [NP] He immediately checked his underwear for signs of semen, Whenever he had sexual dreams like this one, there was always evidence. But this time, nothing. Tsukuru was baffled. In his dream -- or at least in a place that wasn't reality -- he'd most definitely ejaculated. The afterglow was still with him. A copious amount of __real__ semen should have gushed out. But there was no trace of it. [NP] And then he remembered how Haida had taken it all in his mouth. [NP] He shut his eyes and grimaced. Did that really happen? No, that's impossible. It all took place in the dark interior of my mind. No matter how you look at it. So where did all that semen gush out to? Did it all vanish, too, in the inner recesses of my mind? p.98: [NP] Tsukuru decided not to pursue it further. He could think about it all he wanted and never find an answer. He placed his doubt inside a drawer in his mind labeled `Pending' and postponed any further consideration. He had many such drawers inside him, with numerous doubts and questions tucked away. p.296: To fill in the silence Tsukuru lowered the needle onto the record again, went back to the sofa, and settled in to listen to the music. This time he tried his best not to think of anything in particular. With his eyes closed and his mind a blank, he focused solely on the music. Finally, as if lured in by the melody, images flashed behind his eyelids, one after the next, appearing, then disappearing. A series of images without concrete form or meaning, rising up from the dark margins of consciousness, soundlessly crossing into the visible realm, only to be sucked back into the margins on the other side and vanish once again. Like the mysterious outline of microorganisms swimming across the circular field of vision of a microscope. [NP]